Our first graduate student has started!

Our first Ph.D. student has joined the group. This is a dream-come-true! I am so happy.

On the first of June, Isidora Morel has officially started her Ph.D. She will be working on the evolution of lucinid clams and their bacterial chemosymbionts that have been separated by the rise of the Isthmus of Panamá. Ms. Morel has already received a Masters degree at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology and she is a member of the MarMic program. Until the official start of the Eco-Evolutionary Interactions Group in 2022, Ms. Morel will be hosted by Prof. Nicole Dubilier in the Symbiosis Department, supervised by Dr. Wilkins. You can read more about Ms. Morel and the progress of her work in her profile.


Welcome Isidora!
On a field expedition to Italy in 2020

Laetitia G.E. Wilkins
Laetitia G.E. Wilkins
Max Planck Research Group Leader

My research interests include host-microbe interactions (e.g., chemosymbioses), their evolution, and their role in ecosystem function and stability.