The first EEI visitors in Bremen
Two of our friends and collaborators stopped by in Bremen this summer!!
As part of the #istmobiome project, we have made many friends in the world. We could not see each other in years because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this summer, people started traveling again and we got some amazing visitors.
Aaron O’Dea visited us and we discussed the evolution of nitrogen fixation and how fossils can help us to reconstruct past lucinid symbioses and their nitrogen metabolism.

Raquel Peixoto also took some time for us during her busy schedule and we had dinner together. Raquel is the new incoming vice-president elect of ISME (International Society for Microbial Ecology). She will become ISME president in two years from now. We got to see each other a few weeks later in Lausanne, Switzerland at isme-18. Raquel raved about KAUST and its amazing research opportunities and we pondered about collaborative projects in the Red Sea.